The Greek population
I- The standard of living of the greek population
1.The unemployment
The average of the unemployment rate in Europe is 11,5 % in July, 2014. Greece is the country which has the highest unemployment rate with a rate amounting to 26,4 % followed by Spain 24,5 %. Norway is the country having the lowest unemployment rate 3,4 % and the unemployment rate in France is 10,5 %. On this map we can notice that it is especially the countries of the South that are affected by the unemployment.
The GDP in Europe average is 100 inhabitants of Greece are less wealthy than the European average because GDP is 75.The country with the lowest GDP Albania with a GDP of 30 and the country with the highest GDP is Luxembourg with a GDP of 264. France has a GDP of $ 108.
3. In Greece, where poverty is increasing more than elsewhere in Europe
Between 2012 and 2013, Greece held the record of the European country where poverty increased the most. Poverty and purchasing power has almost doubled, it increased from 11.8% in 2012 to 23.7% in 2013. En Grèce le travail se fait rare, notamment pour les jeunes. La plus part d'entre eux projettent de venir travailler en France. En revanche, toutes les dépenses ont due être revisité ce qui n'a rien arrangé. Pour couronner le tout, aux prochaines élections municipales et européennes, le Gouvernement risque de perdre des élections en
because of dissatisfaction of Greek citizens.
4.The primary surplus
Greece shows a primary surplus of more than 2 billion euros, that is to say that economic activity has resumed. It creates wealth. Despite this, the debt remains high and the Greek-must repay lot of money.
II-Multiculturalism and the opening of greek
1. Relations between Greece and France
Relations between France and Greece have always been very strong. They are costs caused by their political aspects that were a certain friendship and good Franco-Hellenic cooperation, but it also created with an ideological and cultural level. These relationships strengthen over time, but during the economic crisis, contacts and exchanges are reduced.
2.Location of linguistic minorities in Greece
In northern Greece live Slavs, that is to say, the Macedonians (Florina) and Bulgarians (Serres region), and also Pomaks and Turks (Thrace). In Epirus and Thessaly, there are Arvanites and Aromanians.
In the greater Athens (which is the capital), in the Peloponnese, the island of Evia and Andros, cohabit with the Greeks Arvanites. Finally, in the island of Kos and Rhodes, live small Turkish communities.
As for the Roma minority, it is scattered throughout Greece, but significant communities living in Western Thrace. Near Thessaloniki, one can still find a tiny Jewish minority of Latin language. It also remains small Armenian communities in Thessaloniki, Athens and Crete.