The financial crisis in Spain and Italy
In Italy
Italy is the third EU economy, but they have a 1900 billion euro debt, which has been increasing since 2008. By comparison, Greece has a 350 billion euro debt and France a 1600 billion euro debt.
The citizens don’t trust Silvio Berlusconi (Prime minister of Italy), who lost many votes because of the crisis, as well as his stiff position towards the enterprises, which end up moving out (like Fiat, the biggest Italian company).
Sylvio Berlusconi, Prime minister (2008-2011)
Because of the decrease of Italy’s mark (A+ to A), the banks should not run the risk to lend money.
Since the beginning of the crisis, the debt has been progressing more than one third. If Italy is goes bankrupt, it’s all the EU goes bankrupt.
Countries |
2008 |
2013 |
113 |
98 |
-15 |
101 |
95 |
-6 |
90 |
75 |
-15 |
116 |
108 |
-8 |
124 |
115 |
-9 |
30 |
54 |
24 |
111 |
108 |
-3 |
Jobless Rate (in %) :
Countries |
2013 |
2014 |
12,4 |
12,6 |
0,2 |
26 |
24 |
-2 |
27,8 |
27,1 |
-0,7 |
10,2 |
10,5 |
0,3 |
5,2 |
5 |
-0,2 |
7,1 |
6,9 |
-0,2 |
Many families may not go on holidays financially. The middle class goes less and less long.
"We can live otherwise in Italy"
In Spain
In Spain, the situation is similar. We can see a mass joblessness, financial and property crisis, a public deficit not control, and growth weak or nothing. All has begun between 2005 and 2009 with the prices’ fall on the property market. In the 2000’s, the growth of the country has been pushed by rise in the property industry. But the market reverses because of the overbuilding in 2008. Since, around 700 000 unsold goods remain.
At the same time, unemployment skyrocketed in the property industries. Spain presents a very strict market. To solve problems, the government must find between 100 and 150 billion Euros. But all isn’t bad in the country because Spain has known how to improve its competitiveness.
Chronology :
In 2007, the government organise a baby cheque’s system, where 2500 Euros are deposit to families for each birth or adoption.
In 2008, Spain is in ressecion, principally because of the property. At the same time, the government announce a reminder of 11 billion, the essential go to public works and 8 million in automobile firm.
In 2009, the agency of international notation Standard & Poors decreases the rating of Spain from “AAA” to “AA+” because of the crisis.
In 2010, Zapatero announce a decline of 50 billion Euros for public’s spending, 5% of decline for the civil servant’s wages, removal baby cheque, and a rising of VAT from 16 to 18%, to allow an economy of 15 billion Euros. The 4 May, Spain is officially in crisis. The 16 June, a text is voted to allow tax’s advantages for the enterprises that take on students.
Jose Luis Zapatero, Prime minister of Spain (2004-2011)
The 29 September, a general strike is produce in the entire Spain throw by two trade unions. A market’s reform is put in place to reduce budgetary’s deficit.
In 2011, a retirement’s reform is set up, who put off the retirement’s age from 65 to 67 years old. The action “Los Indignados” is put in place the 15 May to demonstrate in 58 Spanish’s cities against the corruption of politics elites and the austerity’s politic. The prime minister Zapatero announce legislative’s elections in November 2011.